5 reasons why you need to wear sunscreen in summer

April 17, 2023, by Zadecai

A comprehensive skincare routine must include cleansing, toning, moisturizing and sunscreen. It is a misconception that you only need to use sunscreen during the summer season or only when you are stepping out. Your skin requires sun protection 365 days and whether you are at home or outside, you must use sunscreen. The UVA and UVB rays of the sun are incredibly harmful to the skin and overexposure can even lead to skin cancer. So, it is exceptionally essential to use sunscreen on a daily basis to protect the skin and keep it healthy.

Reasons to wear sunscreen daily

The heat of the sun and UV rays are strong in the summer season which could damage the skin cells. This can result in a number of skin problems such as skin rashes, sunburns, acne, dark spots, wrinkles, etc. Applying sunscreen forms a layer that prevents sun rays to reach the skin and damage it. Apart from the protection, sunscreen also boosts skin health by protecting essential skin proteins such as collagen, elastin, and keratin.

Here are some of the important reasons why SPF is essential for healthy skin:

1. Keeps your skin young

Sun protection is one of the primary ways to keep your skin from preventing ageing. Sun exposure can lead to wrinkles, fine lines, and premature skin ageing. Due to the free radicals in the environment and the harmful rays of UVA and UVB, our skin gets severely damaged by the sun. however, using sunscreen daily can aid in retaining the youthful glow and prevent premature ageing.

Sunscreen has anti-ageing benefits! Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Helps to maintain healthy skin

Our skin requires elastin, collagen, and other essential skin nutrients to keep it healthy and glowing. Sun damage can wreak havoc on the skin’s health and can harm the skin internally. However, sunscreen works as a protective barrier for the skin and keeps it secured from external environmental damage.

Also read: What is the right way to apply sunscreen in all seasons?

3. Saves from sunburn

Sunburn is one of the most common consequences of sun exposure. It leads to redness, bruises, skin sensitivity, swelling, blisters, and others. Repeated sunburn is extremely bad for the skin’s health as can eventually lead to skin cancer. Also, it brings premature ageing and skin thinning on your skin. So, make sunscreen an inseparable part of your skincare routine to prevent sunburn and heat rashes.

4. Prevent suntan

Sunscreens also prevent sun tanning which is necessary to keep the skin safe from the UVB rays of the sun. It is important to use sunscreen 20 minutes before you step out of the sun. Besides, follow the two-finger rule to apply sunscreen in the right amount on your skin. Reapplying sunscreen every two hours will ensure that your skin is happy and healthy.

Wear sunscreen to avoid sun tan. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

5. Helps to have an even skin tone

Sun spots or pigmentation due to sun exposure is quite common and consistent exposure to the sun can make the skin look dull and dry. It becomes difficult to get rid of skin discolouration or hyperpigmentation, so using sunscreen is immensely advantageous.

So, ladies, it is time to add sunscreen to your skincare routine and have beautiful and healthy skin!



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